For my final project in the Audio Production Bachelor's degree program at Full Sail University, I decided that I wanted to do something big and daring. I've been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember and with the release of the new movies, I thought it'd be appropriate to utilize a franchise which I'm extremely passionate about while combining it with my love of sound design.
The video above is a cinematic trailer for the game Star Wars: The Old Republic. I removed all of the original audio and replaced it with original sounds. Some of the audio was captured by me while other sounds were taken from an audio library. The reason for using a library was more for time purposes. It just wasn't realistic for me to be able to go to an Air Force base and capture audio from fighter jets or approach an ordinance disposal unit and ask if I can record audio of them detonating old bombs in the timeframe of this assignment.
For my final project in the Audio Production Bachelor's degree program at Full Sail University, I decided that I wanted to do something big and daring. I've been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember and with the release of the new movies, I thought it'd be appropriate to utilize a franchise which I'm extremely passionate about while combining it with my love of sound design.
The video above is a cinematic trailer for the game Star Wars: The Old Republic. I removed all of the original audio and replaced it with original sounds. Some of the audio was captured by me while other sounds were taken from an audio library. The reason for using a library was more for time purposes. It just wasn't realistic for me to be able to go to an Air Force base and capture audio from fighter jets or approach an ordinance disposal unit and ask if I can record audio of them detonating old bombs in the timeframe of this assignment.
For my final project in the Audio Production Bachelor's degree program at Full Sail University, I decided that I wanted to do something big and daring. I've been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember and with the release of the new movies, I thought it'd be appropriate to utilize a franchise which I'm extremely passionate about while combining it with my love of sound design.
The video above is a cinematic trailer for the game Star Wars: The Old Republic. I removed all of the original audio and replaced it with original sounds. Some of the audio was captured by me while other sounds were taken from an audio library. The reason for using a library was more for time purposes. It just wasn't realistic for me to be able to go to an Air Force base and capture audio from fighter jets or approach an ordinance disposal unit and ask if I can record audio of them detonating old bombs in the timeframe of this assignment.
The music you hear is primarily from the two most recent episodic Star Wars movies (The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi) which were composed by the legendary John Williams. Arranging the music for this project was one of the most time consuming parts. Not only did the music have to match the emotion of what was happening on the screen, but it also needed to sync with certain events. When it was done, however, it was very satisfying to see how well it all worked together.
I also added a bit of flair with the space craft. I wanted to have a unique sound for the invading force much like the iconic sound of the TIE Fighter from the original films. What I ended up using was the sound from a Nazi WWII fighter plane called the StuKa JU-87. It utilized a device called the Jericho Siren during dive bomb attacks. It's one of the most iconic sounds when it comes to aircraft and I had to do very little to it when implementing it into this project.

I utilized Pro Tools for this project from start to finish. Aside from the audio sources which I captured, I also used the library from soundideas.sourceaudio.com for various other sounds as well as www.youtube.com for WWII fighter plane sound. The lightsaber sounds were created by me using a mix of metal on dry ice and various electrical zaps. Blaster bolts were created using a metal slinky and voiceover work was done by me. The project was also mixed and mastered by me from my home in Forney, TX. All of the music was written and conducted by John Williams.
Game Title: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Video Title: Sacrifice (trailer)
Genre: Sound Design (Sci-fi)
Songwriter(s) / Composer(s): John Williams
Label or Production Company: DMG United, LLC
Producer: Paul Slavonik
Engineer: Paul Slavonik
Recording Studio or Location: Forney, TX
Recording dates: January 7 - 21, 2018
DAW(s): Pro Tools
Background Music: John Williams (Star Wars - Episodes 1, 7, and 8)
Voiceover Artist(s): Paul Slavonik
Sound Designer(s): Paul Slavonik
Other Resource(s): https://soundideas.sourceaudio.com/, www.youtube.com (for WWII fighter plane sound)